MWA Auctions & Real Estate and Geswein Farm & Land

162+- Acre Tillable Farm Auction | Offered in 2 Tracts | Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 10 AM CST

Productive Soils • Lease Open for 2019

SOLD! $1,400,000 or $8,625 per acre

Auction Location, Date, Time

Wednesday, March 20th at 10AM CT
Town and Country Events
35 E. Jones St., Milford, IL 60953

Property Description

Tract 1: 81± Acres, all tillable with road frontage along County Road 700 North and County Road 3100 East.

Tract 2: 81± Acres, all tillable featuring Milford silty clay loam and Lisbon silt loam soils.

  • Productive Iroquois Co. Soils | 130+ PI
  • Lease Open for 2019
  • 15 Miles Southeast of Watseka
  • 8 miles East of Milford
  • 11 miles West of Fowler, IN

Property Location

From the south end of Milford: Take IL Highway 1 south 2.3 miles to County Road 700N and turn left. Travel east on County Road 700N for 8 miles and the property will begin on your left.

All information provided by Geswein Farm & Land Realty, LLC or their sales representatives in connection with this property was acquired from sources deemed reliable and is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness and it is subject to change without notice.