Income Producing, Wabash River Frontage, Recreational Property
List Price: $499,000
Contact: Johnny Klemme (765)-427-1619
Listing # JK227991
Dreaming of camping, fishing, or hunting near Purdue University & West Lafayette?
Look no further as this 91+- acres on Division Road (South River Road) is just minutes from all the amenities of West Lafayette and Purdue. Great location for year-round recreational opportunities.
- Income Producing CRP (Conservation Acres)
- Wabash River Frontage / Private River Access
- Canoe, Kayak, Floating
- Camping, Hiking, Fishing, Hunting
- Located in the Wabash River Greenway District (Reach 5 Map)
- Ideal Land Real Estate Investment Opportunity
Partially Wooded & Mostly Level land Zoned Agriculture on Paved Division Road
West Lafayette, Indiana
- 91+- Acres
- Level land
- Great Location
- Excellent Recreational Opportunities
- Wabash River Frontage
Aerial Map Link >
Tippecanoe County – Shelby Township
- West Lafayette, IN
PT NE FR SEC 29 TWP 23 R5 91.30 A
Tippecanoe County property tax history
Parcel #’s
2021 Pay 2022 Taxes
Parcel #
79-06-29-200-001.000-014 |
Spring $ 845.14
Fall $ 845.14
All information provided by Geswein Farm & Land Realty, LLC or their sales representatives in connection with this property was acquired from sources deemed reliable and is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness and it is subject to change without notice.