Cass County, Indiana
2023 Land Sales Report
Explore the latest trends in Cass County’s farmland market. Most farms are family-owned, emphasizing the importance of agriculture to the community. For detailed insights and to learn how your land compares, check out the full report below.
If you’d like to get specific land values for the 2024 calendar year on your own farmland or a property near you, please contact Craig Stevenson today at (574)-870-4383
Average Price of Land*
in 2023*
As high as $$$$$/acre
in 2024*
Land Market Commentary & Local Trends by Craig Stevenson
Overall, the average price of farmland was $10,743/acre and the price per productivity index point was $66.49 in 2023 based on the sales data.
Explore the latest trends as we look ahead to comprehensive land values for 2024.
Since 1977, the Geswein Farm & Land Team has been advising landowners to be stewards of the land and make decisions based on most current, accurate, and relevant data. The information in this report can provide you with a rough estimate of your property’s value; however, understanding the specific characteristics of your property and how they compare to the other sales will provide the most accurate value of your property. Additionally, properties sold by land brokers via auctions or listings consistently outperformed individual to individual transactions and properties sold by traditional home realtors.
According to, there are approximately 1,000 acres of farms and land for sale in Cass County, Indiana, with a total land value at around $7 million. Cass County is ranked 81st out of 92 counties in Indiana for total acreage advertised for sale, with Logansport leading in available land. Covering 414 square miles, Cass County is the 34th largest in the state, located in East Indiana.
The USDA farmland census shows Cass County has 224,621 acres of farmland, with an average farm size of 355 acres and 633 farms. Corn and soybeans dominate the local agricultural economy. Most farms are family-owned, highlighting the significance of agriculture to the local agricultural community’s heritage, agronomic practices, and economy.
History & Background of Cass County, Indiana
County Seat: Logansport
Townships: Adams / Bethlehem / Boone / Clay / Clinton / Deer Creek / Eel / Harrison / Jackson / Jefferson / Miami / Noble / Tipton
History: Named for General Lewis Cass, President Jackson’s secretary of war
Population: 40,456
Cities & Towns: Galveston / Onward / Royal Center / Walton / Logansport
Acreage: 265,600
According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the following crop statistics have been reported for Cass County, Indiana.
The 2022 Ag Census for Cass County, Indiana, reported the following crop statistics:
Number of farms: 633
Land in farms (acres): 224,621
Average farm size (acres): 355
Total market value of products sold: $252,949,000
Government payments: $1,176,000
Farm-related income: $7,531,000
Total farm production expenses: $180,064,000
Net cash farm income: $81,592,000
Sources / Citations:
Source 1:
“United States Department of Agriculture.” USDA,,to%20NASS%20Surveys%20and%20Programs. Accessed 8 July 2024.
Source 2:
“2022 Census of Agriculture County Profile.” USDA, Accessed 8 July 2024.
*The transaction and land sales data/information contained in this report was obtained from publicly available sources and sales disclosures deemed accurate and reliable but not guaranteed, no liability for accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by Geswein Farm & Land Realty, LLC
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